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How Aggressive People Think

By Dr. Evan Parks—Everyone acts aggressively some of the time, but acting aggressively does not mean that someone has a manipulative personality. A person with an aggressive personality has a habitual style of relating to others that impacts all of their interactions, even when aggression is not necessary or evident in their behavior. This means that most acts of kindness and warmth demonstrated by an aggressive personality fit into a hidden agenda of manipulation and control over others.


The choices we make become very important when problems occur in meeting our basic needs. How we respond to waiting for well-deserved recognition, waiting for the opportunity to lead, waiting for freedom to make decisions, and waiting for the reward of our hard work, will determine how our moral character develops. We want our needs met, and we want them met now. The problem is not our needs, but how we go about getting our needs met and how to respond when they are not met. If we make bad choices that go against our conscience and against what is beneficial for others, then our character and personality will be corrupted.

Corrupted Character

When decision after decision is made that goes against our conscience, the conscience eventually becomes corrupted. The warning lights that should go off when a person does something wrong are no longer flashing in that person’s mind.

Without exception, the corruption of the conscience begins in the private, undetected area of a person’s life. A small amount of tax that was owed is not paid. A white lie is told and never corrected. A small pack of gum is stolen and not returned. Over time, these choices have consequences. All of these small acts against the conscience eventually lead to the ability to do things that a person previously thought impossible to do, such as tell complete lies that cover up a sexual affair or steal large sums of money. Our needs have a great influence in our life. Good character comes from sacrifice, patience, and endurance when our needs our not met. Bad character develops when we are not willing to wait to have our needs met and we use manipulation and control to immediately get what we want.

The corrupted character of a person with an aggressive personality has these trademark characteristics of a broken conscience:

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