2153 Wealthy Street, Ste #235, East Grand Rapids, MI 49506


The Music Of The Mind

By Dr. Evan Parks—Does your life have harmony and balance, or is it out of tune and just making noise?  Even if you do not regularly experience harmony and balance in your life, you might have noticed it in someone else.  A person with inner balance seems to have a sense of peace regardless of […]

Mental Wellbeing

By Dr. Evan Parks—How would you feel about turning to a mental health professional for help when that individual might not have a clear definition of mental health?  Both mental health and medical professionals learn about mental illness in their training, but they are not often taught what it means to be mentally healthy.  A […]

The Solution Is The Problem

By Dr. Evan Parks—There is nothing like a child’s unusual, unexplained physical or mental health symptom that can increase the anxiety of a parent.  Tests are run, experts consulted, and prayers are requested so that an answer might be found.  A solid medical diagnosis is comforting, because it “explains” the problem.  But not all parents […]

Is Your Brain Broken?

By Dr. Evan Parks—It is hard for us to understand why people who seem nice or put together become self-destructive.  A young father gambles away all the money needed to pay bills, or a single woman only flirts with and is attracted to men who are happily married.    The behavior of children can be even […]

The Message In The Symptom

By Dr. Evan Parks—A sign that we are out of emotional, social, and physical balance might be a headache, backache, upset stomach, anxiety, sadness, depression, or sleeplessness, just to name a few. Regardless of the symptom, there is a medication or treatment program that promises to reduce the intensity and discomfort of the symptom.  Have […]

Pain Points to a Problem

By Dr. Evan Parks—I daily work with people who are in pain. Our gut-level response to pain is to think of pain as a problem.  We want to get rid of our pain.  This misconception of pain is based on the belief that pain is bad and needs to be out of our life, especially […]

The Blame Game

By Dr. Evan Parks—Divorce courts are full of people who see themselves as victims and their spouse as an enemy.  How can this be so common?  Divorce is a painful experience and clearly people do behave badly, but why does each side think they are the victim of the other person’s actions? Maybe we are looking […]

How We Lose Control

By Dr. Evan Parks—When you face the hard truth that your life is not what you want and that you spend a lot of time blaming others, your circumstances, and the past, you have only one place left to look—at yourself.  This is where we can easily get stuck.  Some people shift the blame to […]

Three Signs Your Perspective Is Off

By Dr. Evan Parks—When things go wrong in life, we look for an explanation.  What if the explanation for our difficulties, conflicts, personal struggles, and lack of success is incorrect?  Here is a simple clue.  If the first place we look to explain our problems is our circumstances, then our thinking is incorrect.  When we […]

Five Reasons Leaders Fail

By Dr. Evan Parks—While attending graduate school, a classmate of mine purchased her first car. Unfortunately, within one year the car died and the engine was ruined. She wrongly assumed cars took care of themselves and all that she needed to do was put in gasoline. Many leaders are similar—they ignore taking the necessary steps […]


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